Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


05.08.2014 New paper from Schwechheimer and Mayer labs.

Functional diversification within the family of B-GATA transcription factors through the LLM-domain. Carina Behringer, Emmanouil Bastakis, Quirin Ranftl, Klaus F.X. Mayer and Claus Schwechheimer (2014) The transcription of the...[more]

08.08.2014 Remarks on the SFB924 Student’s Retreat 2014

Remarks on the SFB924 Student’s Retreat 2014 This year’s Retreat of the SFB924 Student Initiative highlighted the flourishing network of young scientists and PhD students within the SFB924. As the third Students’ Retreat the...[more]

14.08.2014 Colloquium (Sondertermin): Prof. Dr. Peter Gresshoff, University of Queensland Brisbane (AU), "Molecular control of systemic and local nodule organ formation and number in legumes."

Thur 14.08.14 (17.15 h) - Please note special place! Prof. Dr. Peter Gresshoff (University of Queensland Brisbane, AU) Molecular control of systemic and local nodule organ formation and number in legumes. SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

21.08.2014 Colloquium (Sondertermin): Prof. Dr. Katharina Pawlowski, Stockholm University (SE), "Actinorhiza: the oldest and most diverse root nodule symbioses."

Thur 21.08.14 (17.15 h) - Please note special place! Prof. Dr. Katharina Pawlowski (Stockholm University, SE) Actinorhiza: the oldest and most diverse root nodule symbioses. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

25.08.2014 New paper from Sprunck lab.

Brassinosteroids promote Arabidopsis pollen germination and growth. Frank Vogler, Christina Schmalzl, Maria Englhart, Martin Bircheneder, Stefanie Sprunck (2014). Pollen tubes are among the fastest tip-growing plant cells and...[more]

28.08.2014 New paper from Gutjahr lab.

Control of arbuscular mycorrhiza development by nutrient signals. Samy Carbonnel and Caroline Gutjahr In summary, the mechanisms of how AM development is controlled by nutrient signaling are yet elusive. However,...[more]

05.09.2014 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Li-Jia Qu, Peking University (CN), "Dissecting the components invovled in male-female interaction in Arabidopsis."

Fri 05.09.2014 (11:15 h) - Please note special day and time! Prof. Dr. Li-Jia Qu (Peking University, CN) Dissecting the components involved in male-female interaction in Arabidopsis. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[more]

Displaying results 162 to 168 out of 651