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20.02.2015Plant Physiology published new discovery from Erika’s lab on a FYVE-domain protein involved in vacuole biogenesis.

FYVE1 is essential for vacuole biogenesis and intracellular trafficking in Arabidopsis thaliana Cornelia Kolb, Marie-Kristin Nagel, Kamila Kalinowska, Jörg Hagmann, Mie Ichikawa, Franziska Anzenberger, Angela Alkofer, Masa H....[more]

06.02.2015Frontiers in Plant Science publishes article from Carina and Claus on B-type GATA factors.

B-GATA transcription factors - insights into their structure, regulation and role in plant development Claus Schwechheimer and Carina Behringer Plant Systems Biology, Technische Universität München, Germany GATA transcription...[more]

07.01.2015The lab congratulates Hiromasa to the publication of his Ph.D. work in PNAS on the alternative splicing downstream from phytochrome B.

Phytochrome controls alternative splicing to mediate light responses in Arabidopsis Hiromasa Shikata, Kousuke Hanada, Tomokazu Ushijimaa, Moeko Nakashimaa, Yutaka Suzukic and Tomonao Matsushitaa SignificancePlants adapt to...[more]

05.01.2015All the best to our former Ph.D. student Anthi Katsiarimpa for her successful application for a three-year fellowship from the Association pour la recherche contre le cancer....

for her postdoctoral work in the laboratory of Lionel Pintard at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris. A lot of time for visiting. [more]

31.10.2014Jana Hakenjos receives Best thesis award. We are happy to announce that the Ph.D. thesis of Jana P. Hakenjos on NEDD8 modification in plants will receive the Award for the Best Thesis of the Faculty WZW from the "Bund der Freunde der TUM e.V.”.

Jana, who is now a plant stem cell biologist at the University of Heidelberg, will receive the award in a ceremony on December 05, 2014. This is the second time in a row that this award goes to our laboratory. The previous...[more]

Displaying results 121 to 130 out of 207