News & Previous

18.10.2016Claus is coorganizer of ZOMES IX Conference 2017 on the role of Zome complexes (Proteasome, COP9 signalosome, EIF3) and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the regulation of protein homeostasis, which is to be held in Rome from February 14 to 17, 2017.

Claus is coorganizer of ZOMES IX Conference 2017 on the role of Zome complexes (Proteasome, COP9 signalosome, EIF3) and the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the regulation of protein homeostasis, which is to be held in Rome from...[more]

17.10.2016Pascal is coorganizing the Cold Spring Harbor conference on Systems Biology.

Pascal is coorganizing the Cold Spring Harbor conference on Systems Biology. Link: [more]

17.10.2016Congratulations to Erika Isono for accepting a W3 Professorship at the University of Constance. Good luck to you and your group in the new place.

Congratulations to Erika Isono for accepting a W3 Professorship at the University of Constance. Good luck to you and your group in the new place.[more]

20.07.2016Melina and Pascal contributed to the new paper of Farhah F. Assaad – congratulation!

Melina and Pascal contributed to the new paper of Farhah F. Assaad – congratulation!  Cell cycle-regulated PLEIADE/AtMAP65-3 links membrane and microtubule dynamics during plant cytokinesis Steiner A, Rybak K, Altmann M,...[more]

29.06.2016PNAS published a new paper of Pascal describing a new technique called HaloTag-NAPPA (Halo Tag nucleic acid programmable protein array).

PNAS published a new paper of Pascal describing a new technique called HaloTag-NAPPA (Halo Tag nucleic acid programmable protein array). Congratulation Pascal! Mapping transcription factor interactome networks using HaloTag...[more]

18.05.2016We welcome Daniela Elephand-Dill as the new secretary of our Chair. Daniela, have a good start!

We welcome Daniela Elephand-Dill as the new secretary of our Chair. Daniela, have a good start![more]

04.05.2016New publication: The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter: Melina, Ines and Thomas contributed to the characterization of the gibberellin transporter NPF3 of Iris and Eilon from Tel Aviv University.

The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter: Melina, Ines and Thomas contributed to the characterization of the gibberellin transporter NPF3 of Iris and Eilon from Tel Aviv University. The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA...[more]

26.02.2016The GATA team publishes in Plant Cell on the role of the GNÜLLER GATA factors in stomata formation. Congratulations to Carina, Quirin, Manolis and Julia to this nice piece of work!

The GATA team publishes in Plant Cell on the role of the GNÜLLER GATA factors in stomata formation. Congratulations to Carina, Quirin, Manolis and Julia to this nice piece of work! LLM-domain B-GATA transcription factors promote...[more]

01.02.2016Quirin wins the First Paper of the Year award. His study on the GNÜLLER GATAs is published online today in Plant Physiology.

Quirin wins the First Paper of the Year award. His study on the GNÜLLER GATAs is published online today in Plant Physiology. LLM-domain containing B-GATA factors control different aspects of cytokinin-regulated development in...[more]

Displaying results 91 to 100 out of 207