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30.05.2017The lab says farewell to the team of Pascal Falter-Braun. All the best in the new location and the new lab.

See here some photos from the celebration. The lab says farewell to the team of Pascal Falter-Braun. All the best in the new location and the new lab. [more]

29.05.2017The lab celebrates the completion of the first Bachelorthesis of the semester with a BBQ.

The lab celebrates the completion of the first Bachelorthesis of the semester with a BBQ.  [more] publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus. publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus. [more] publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz. publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz:[more]

27.03.2017See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung.

See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung: [more]

27.03.2017Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in - -

Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in [more]

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