News & Previous

01.08.2013Jana publishes the first record of a NEDD8-modified protein from Arabidopsis that is not a cullin. Congratulations!

The MD-2-related lipid recognition domain protein ML3 is a NEDD8- and ubiquitin-modified proteinJana P. Hakenjos, Sarosh Bejai, Quirin Ranftl, Carina Behringer, A. Corina Vlot, Birgit Absmanner, Ulrich Hammes, Stephanie...[more]

23.07.2013PNAS publishes new paper on the GNÜLLER GATA transcription factors and their regulation by ARF2 and gibberellin. Congratulations to René, Carina and Melina.

Convergence of auxin and gibberellin signaling on the regulation of the GATA transcription factors GNC and GNL in Arabidopsis thaliana René Richter, Carina Behringer, Melina Zourelidou and Claus Schwechheimer Department of...[more]

18.07.2013Petra Wick receives the TUM-WZW award for communication.

The department congratulates Petra to this price which is awarded annually by the TUM-WZW campus to staff members that have helped to improve the communication between the different departments of the campus and/or other...[more]

15.07.2013Congratulations to Erika Isono and Pascal Genschik for being awarded the "Wissenschaftspreis der Stadt Freising"

The city of Freising awards the "Wissenschaftspreis Weihenstephan der Stadt Freising" to Erika Isono, group leader of the Department, and Pascal Genschik from the "Institut de la Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes,...[more]

01.07.2013New paper from Kamila and Anthi identifies a role for AMSH proteins in autophagy.

The Deubiquitinating Enzyme AMSH1 and the ESCRT-III Subunit VPS2.1 Are Required for Autophagic Degradation in Arabidopsis. Katsiarimpa A, Kalinowska K, Anzenberger F, Weis C, Ostertag M, Tsutsumi C, Schwechheimer C, Brunner F,...[more]

06.06.2013New GNÜLLER paper from our lab on the GATAs GNC and GNL published in Plant Physiology.

Cross-Repressive Interactions between SOC1 and the GATAs GNC and GNL/CGA1 in the Control of Greening, Cold Tolerance, and Flowering Time in Arabidopsis René Richter, Emmanouil Bastakis and Claus Schwechheimer Department of...[more]

Displaying results 151 to 160 out of 207