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05.04.2018We are looking for three Ph.D. students.

Three Ph.D. student positionsPlant molecular biology, development and systems biology Three DFG-funded Ph.D. student positions are available at the Chair of Plant Systems Biology at the Life Sciences campus of the Technische...[more]

05.03.2018Second paper of our Master student Lena Frank originating from her master thesis work. Thanks to Ines and Melina for supervising! We are pleased to have contributed to the paper of Tetsuya Sakai and Ken Haga on the role of AGCVIII kinases in phototropism.

Roles of AGCVIII Kinases in the Hypocotyl Phototropism of Arabidopsis Seedlings. Plant Cell Physiol. 2018 Feb 26. Ken Haga, Lena Frank, Taro Kimura, Claus Schwechheimer, Tatsuya Sakai  Regulation of protein function...[more]

19.02.2018Congratulations to Manolis for his GATA greening paper being published in The Plant Cell. Perfect timing of online publication on the date of his leaving party ;-)

LLM-domain B-GATA Transcription Factors Play Multifaceted Roles in Controlling Greening in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. Emmanouil Bastakis, Boris Hedtke, Carina Klermund, Bernhard Grimm, Claus...[more]

09.01.2018The Chair for Plant Systems Biology (Prof. Dr. Claus Schwechheimer) at the Technical University of Munich invites applications for the position of an Independent Group Leader in Plant Sciences.

The successful candidate will perform independent cutting edge research in the field of plant cell biology, plant biochemistry and/or systems biology. The research theme is open and interactions are expected with research...[more]

15.12.2017Julia Mergner and Claus Schwechheimer are very happy to have contributed to the ALF4 study of the Estelle lab from UC San Diego.

The Arabidopsis ALF4 protein is a regulator of SCF E3 ligases. EMBO J. 2017 Dec 12.  Rammyani Bagchi, Charles W Melnyk, Gideon Christ, Martin Winkler, Kerstin Kirchsteiner, Mohammad Salehin, Julia Mergner, Michael...[more]

09.11.2017Congrats to Dr. Benjamin Weller upon the successful completion of his Ph.D.! Good job, Benny!!

Congrats to Dr. Benjamin Weller upon the successful completion of his Ph.D.! Good job, Benny!! [more]

06.10.2017Congrats to Nina and Carina. Their paper on the cross-talk between GA and strigolactone is published now online at The Plant Journal.

Largely additive effects of gibberellin and strigolactone on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. The Plant Journal Ourania Lantzouni, Carina Klermund and Claus Schwechheimer The phytohormones gibberellin...[more]

14.09.2017Inês Barbosa receives the Wilhelm-Pfeffer Preis of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft for her excellent Ph.D. thesis.[tt_news]=1846&cHash=caa76817e3ec8627427ebb373fbc1177 [more]

12.09.2017We are very happy to congratulate Emmanouil (Manolis) Bastakis to the successful completion of his Ph.D..

See here some photos from the celebration.We are very happy to congratulate Emmanouil (Manolis) Bastakis to the successful completion of his Ph.D.. [more]

30.08.2017The Chair for Plant Systems Biology is looking for a new Independent Group Leader in Plant Sciences.

The Chair for Plant Systems Biology (Prof. Dr. Claus Schwechheimer) at the Technical University of Munich invites applications for the position of an Independent Group Leader in Plant Sciences The successful candidate will...[more]

Displaying results 61 to 70 out of 207