
New publication: The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter: Melina, Ines and Thomas contributed to the characterization of the gibberellin transporter NPF3 of Iris and Eilon from Tel Aviv University.

The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter: Melina, Ines and Thomas contributed to the characterization of the gibberellin transporter NPF3 of Iris and Eilon from Tel Aviv University.


The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter

I. Tal, Y. Zhang, M. E. Jørgensen, O. Pisanty, I. C. R. Barbosa, M. Zourelidou, T. Regnault, C. Crocoll, C. E. Olsen, R. Weinstain, C. Schwechheimer, B. A. Halkier, H. H. Nour-Eldin, M. Estelle, E. Shani (2016) Nat Commun 7, doi: 10.1038/ncomms11486.

Transport of the plant hormone gibberellin is required for normal plant growth and development. Here, Tal et al. show that NPF3 is able to transport gibberellin in vitro, and provide evidence that it is required for normal gibberellin distribution and activity in plants.