
Congratulations to Erika Isono and Pascal Genschik for being awarded the "Wissenschaftspreis der Stadt Freising"

The city of Freising awards the "Wissenschaftspreis Weihenstephan der Stadt Freising" to Erika Isono, group leader of the Department, and Pascal Genschik from the "Institut de la Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes,...[mehr]


New paper from Kamila and Anthi identifies a role for AMSH proteins in autophagy.

The Deubiquitinating Enzyme AMSH1 and the ESCRT-III Subunit VPS2.1 Are Required for Autophagic Degradation in Arabidopsis. Katsiarimpa A, Kalinowska K, Anzenberger F, Weis C, Ostertag M, Tsutsumi C, Schwechheimer C, Brunner F,...[mehr]


New GNÜLLER paper from our lab on the GATAs GNC and GNL published in Plant Physiology.

Cross-Repressive Interactions between SOC1 and the GATAs GNC and GNL/CGA1 in the Control of Greening, Cold Tolerance, and Flowering Time in Arabidopsis René Richter, Emmanouil Bastakis and Claus Schwechheimer Department of...[mehr]


Role of D6PK in phototropism covered in a TUM press release:

Link to the press release Link to the paper[mehr]


Deutschlandradio meldet: Es ist tatsächlich Auxin, das Pflanzen zum Licht wachsen lässt...

Deutschlandradio berichtet im Bereich Forschung aktuell [mehr]


Pascal Braun's work covered in a TUM press release

Mehr lesen unter: Pascal Falter-Braun, der von der Harvard Medical School in Boston an das Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan gekommen ist, [mehr]