
eLife publishes the study of Melina and Birgit Absmanner from the laboratory of Uli Hammes (Regensburg) where they demonstrate for the first time the direct activation of PINs by D6PK and PINOID.

Auxin efflux by PIN-FORMED proteins is activated by two different protein kinases, D6 PROTEIN KINASE and PINOID Melina Zourelidou, Birgit Absmanner, Benjamin Weller, Inês CR Barbosa, Björn C Willige, Astrid Fastner, Verena...[mehr]


Developmental Cell publishes article from Inês and the D6PK team on the essential role of PIN activation by D6 PROTEIN KINASE at the plasma membrane.

D6 PROTEIN KINASE Activates Auxin Transport-Dependent Growth and PIN-FORMED Phosphorylation at the Plasma Membrane Inês C.R. Barbosa, Melina Zourelidou, Björn C. Willige, Benjamin Weller, Claus Schwechheimer Department of Plant...[mehr]


Conny and Erika have contributed to a new paper from the Vert lab in PNAS on the role of FYVE1 in IRT1 polarity determination.

Polarization of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) to the plant-soil interface plays crucial role in metal homeostasis. Marie Barberon, Gauillaume Dubeaux, Cornelia Kolb, Erika Isono, Enric Zelasny, Grégory Vert Department of...[mehr]


Benny and Claus contribute to a new paper from the Benkova laboratory on the role of cytokinin in regulating PIN polarity.

Cytokinin Controls Polarity of PIN1-Dependent Auxin Transport during Lateral Root Organogenesis Peter Marhavý, Jérôme Duclercq, Benjamin Weller, Elena Feraru, Agnieszka Bielach, Remko Offringa, Jirí Friml, Claus Schwechheimer,...[mehr]