
The lab celebrates the completion of the first Bachelorthesis of the semester with a BBQ.

The lab celebrates the completion of the first Bachelorthesis of the semester with a BBQ.  [mehr]


pflanzenforschung.de publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus.

pflanzenforschung.de publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus. [mehr]


pflanzenforschung.de publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz.

pflanzenforschung.de publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz: http://www.pflanzenforschung.de/de/journal/journalbeitrage/das-perfekte-timing-interview-mit-dem-molekularbiologen-10787[mehr]


See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung.

See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung: https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaft/biologie/botanik-der-rechte-zeitpunkt-ld.153044 [mehr]


Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in - pflanzenforschung.de -

Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in pflanzenforschung.de [mehr]