
Claus returns from his stay at Tel Aviv University. Here are some impressions from his stay.

Claus returns from his stay at Tel Aviv University. Here are some impressions from his stay. [mehr]


PNAS publishes a new paper of Kamila, Maike and Erika describing the function of ALIX in AMSH regulation.

PNAS publishes a new paper of Kamila, Maike and Erika describing the function of ALIX in AMSH regulation. Arabidopsis ALIX is required for the endosomal localization of the deubiquitinating enzyme AMSH3.Kamila...[mehr]


We also welcome Yang Jae Kang from South Korea and Gurudutta Panda from India as the new postdocs in the Braun lab.

We also welcome Yang Jae Kang from South Korea and Gurudutta Panda from India as the new postdocs in the Braun lab. [mehr]


We welcome Alexandre Magalhaes from Portugal as a new PhD student in the Schwechheimer lab.

We welcome Alexandre Magalhaes from Portugal as a new PhD student in the Schwechheimer lab. [mehr]


Claus presents a seminar on July 27 at the Ubiquitin Club of the Technion in Haifa during his stay at Tel Aviv University.

Claus presents a seminar on July 27 at the Ubiquitin Club of the Technion in Haifa during his stay at Tel Aviv University. See the seminar announcement and host Michael Glickman struggling to open a beer bottle with his car keys...[mehr]


Tel Aviv University hosts Claus in the laboratory of Eilon Shani funded by a fellowship from the Nirit and Michael Shaoul Foundation.

Tel Aviv University hosts Claus in the laboratory of Eilon Shani funded by a fellowship from the Nirit and Michael Shaoul Foundation. Claus is truly grateful for this fellowship award, which allows him to explore the academic...[mehr]


Congratulations to Dr. Julia Mergner for concluding her Ph.D. with a fantastic "summa cum laude”.

Congratulations to Dr. Julia Mergner for concluding her Ph.D. with a fantastic "summa cum laude”.[mehr]