
Conny, Julia, Melina, Quirin and Claus participate in the 10 km race of the Münchner Stadtlauf; the guest runner in our team is Stephan Lenk from the Genetics department

June 26, 2011 – Conny, Julia, Melina, Quirin and Claus participate in the 10 km race of the Münchner Stadtlauf; the guest runner in our team is Stephan Lenk from the Genetics department[mehr]


Plant Cell publishes Björn’s paper on the cross-talk of gibberellin signaling with auxin transport

June 03, 2011 –Plant Cell publishes Björn’s paper on the cross-talk of gibberellin signaling with auxin transport[mehr]


Manolis Bastakis joins the lab as Ph.D. student

June 01, 2011 – Manolis Bastakis joins the lab as Ph.D. student[mehr]


DFG decides to fund the Sonderforschungsbereich 924 (SFB924) “Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Yield and Yield Stability in Plants” that is coordinated by Claus

May 25, 2011 - DFG decides to fund the Sonderforschungsbereich 924 (SFB924) “Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Yield and Yield Stability in Plants” that is coordinated by Claus[mehr]


TUM published a press release on the SFB924

May 25, 2011 – TUM published a press release on the SFB924[mehr]


Conny Kolb starts as a new Ph.D. student in Erika’s lab

May 16, 2011 – Conny Kolb starts as a new Ph.D. student in Erika’s lab[mehr]


Claus and Erika are successful in obtaining competitive funding from the DFG priority program SPP1365 Ubiquitin-family network

May 2011 – Claus and Erika are successful in obtaining competitive funding from the DFG priority program SPP1365 Ubiquitin-family network [mehr]