
Pascal Braun joins the systems biology department to establish an independent research group

Jan. 01, 2012 Pascal Braun joins the systems biology department to establish an independent research group[mehr]


Björn defends his Ph.D. thesis with a summa degree

Dec. 16, 2011 Björn defends his Ph.D. thesis with a summa degree[mehr]


Hongwen joins the lab

Nov. 15, 2011 Hongwen joins the lab[mehr]


Erika presents her work at the Botanikertagung in Berlin

Sep. 01, 2011 Erika presents her work at the Botanikertagung in Berlin[mehr]


TUM Campus features the SFB924

Sept. 01, 2011 – TUM Campus features the SFB924[mehr]


Plant Cell publishes Anthi’s Paper on the role of AMSH3 in ESCRTIII function

Aug. 02, 2011 – Plant Cell publishes Anthi’s Paper on the role of AMSH3 in ESCRTIII function [mehr]


Eri Ogiso-Tanaka joins the group as a postdoc

July 01, 2011 – Eri Ogiso-Tanaka joins the group as a postdoc[mehr]