Webinar on community gardens as places of inclusion and empowerment

Nun steht das internationale UGAIN Projekt, das ganz im Zeichen der Gemeinschaftsgärten und dem interkulturellen Austausch stand, kurz vor dem Abschluss. Das zentrale Ergebnis des mehrjährigen EU-Projektes, die Trainings- und...[more]
Partner meeting in Bristol, October 2019

The UGAIN partners met in Bristol, UK in October 2019. The partners discussed the details of the country information guide and the training modules which will be available to all via the UGAIN Training and Information App. ...[more]
UGAIN partners meeting in Lund, Sweden, May 2019

The partners met in Sweden in May 2019 to complete the best practice case studies and to start work on the training tools and resources. In Sweden we visited an allotment garden Brunnshög outside of Lund with our hosting...[more]
UGAIN partners meeting in Vienna, Austria, October 2018

The UGAIN partners met in Vienna in October to discuss and choose case studies for each country which will highlight best practice for working with refugees and asylum seekers in community and urban gardens in the 5...[more]
Successful project meeting in Santander, Spain, 30.5.-1.6.2018

Seven partners gathered in Santander for the project meeting. The project consortium discussed their findings related to social integration of refugees and migrants in urban gardens in Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden and the...[more]
UGAIN: Kick off Meeting 4-5 December 2017, Freising, Germany
The six partners of the Urban Gardens for the social integration of Migrants (UGAIN) gathered at Freising University near Munich, to meet one another for the first time and discuss how the programme would be managed and work over...[more]