We are very happy to congratulate Emmanouil (Manolis) Bastakis to the successful completion of his Ph.D..

See here some photos from the celebration.We are very happy to congratulate Emmanouil (Manolis) Bastakis to the successful completion of his Ph.D.. [more]

pflanzenforschung.de publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus.

pflanzenforschung.de publishes a summary of our BMBF DELLA-STRESS project and an an interview with Claus. [more]

pflanzenforschung.de publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz.

pflanzenforschung.de publishes an interview with our ex-graduate student Ulrich Lutz: http://www.pflanzenforschung.de/de/journal/journalbeitrage/das-perfekte-timing-interview-mit-dem-molekularbiologen-10787[more]

See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung.

See Uli’s FLM paper featured in an article published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung: https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaft/biologie/botanik-der-rechte-zeitpunkt-ld.153044 [more]

Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in - pflanzenforschung.de -

Uli’s paper featured and put into context in a nice article in pflanzenforschung.de [more]

Displaying results 43 to 49 out of 49