Martina und Uli contribute to the new PNAS paper.

Auxin methylation is required for differential growth in Arabidopsis. PNAS Mohamad Abbas, Jorge Hernández-García, Stephan Pollmann, Sophia L. Samodelov, Martina Kolb, Jiri Friml, Ulrich Z. Hammes, Matias D. Zurbriggen, Miguel...[more]

Happy to announce the publication from the collaboration of the Hammes and the Schwechheimer laboratories with the Hardtke laboratory (Université de Lausanne).

A molecular rheostat adjusts auxin flux to promote root protophloem differentiation. Nature P. Marhava, A. E. L. Bassukas, M. Zourelidou, M. Kolb, B. Moret, A. Fastner, W. X. Schulze, P. Cattaneo, U. Z. Hammes, C. Schwechheimer...[more]

Thomas and Claus have just returned from a GIF collaborative visit at Tel Aviv University and the rest of the country.

Thomas and Claus have just returned from a GIF collaborative visit at Tel Aviv University and the rest of the country. It was great to see all of our nice and fantastic colleagues: Danny, Eilon, Roy, Idan, Sigal, Dudu,...[more]

New paper: Uli and Claus labs are happy to have contributed to the DiSUMO work of the Dresselhaus labs!

DiSUMO-LIKE Interacts with RNA-Binding Proteins and Affects Cell-Cycle Progression during Maize Embryogenesis.Junyi Chen, Kamila Kalinowska, Benedikt Müller, Julia Mergner, Rainer Deutzmann, Claus Schwechheimer, Ulrich Z. Hammes,...[more]

Claus contributes to critical letter on the hypothesized existence of auxin transport vesicles.

Auxin and Vesicle Traffic. David G. Robinson, Chris Hawes, Stefan Hillmer, Gerd Jürgens, Claus Schwechheimer, York-Dieter Stierhof, Corrado Viotti (2018). Plant Physiology [more]

Displaying results 29 to 35 out of 49