We are happy to announce that Ourania (Nina) Lantzouni’s second publication is out in The Plant Cell.

GROWTH-REGULATING FACTORS interact with DELLAs and regulate growth in cold stress. http://www.plantcell.org/content/early/2020/02/14/tpc.19.00784 In this very data-loaded study, Nina used RNAseq to understand the role of...[more]

Claus Schwechheimer talks about plant genes and genomes in the Lindenkeller in Freising.

Claus Schwechheimer talks about plant genes and genomes in the Lindenkeller in Freising. During a public lecture and in light of the advances made through next generation sequencing, Claus Schwechheimer introduces a general...[more]

With a delay but even more happily, we announce here the arrival of several new lab members who joined the lab in January.

With a delay but even more happily, we announce here the arrival of several new lab members who joined the lab in January: Barbara Gelhaus as technician in the Schwechheimer lab, Andrea Lepper as PhD student in the Denninger lab,...[more]

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