
Short-term Docentship granted to Prof. Rychlik at the University of Queensland, Australia

Prof. Rychlik was invited by the University of Queensland (UQ) to hold the lectures of the course “Food Chemistry and Analysis“ FOOD7013 for„Masters of Food Studies“ and PhD students. The course consists of 32 hours of lectures within 4 weeks, along with a tutorial and a practical course. The visit of Prof. Rychlik is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service  (Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst, DAAD) as a Short-term Docentship. Besides being active as “Visiting Professor”, Michael Rychlik will discuss current collaborative projects with der Queensland Alliance of Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI; partner: Dr. Michael Netzel). On his way to and from Brisbane he will present seminars at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Health Science Authority Singapore (HSA).