Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge

Publications in Conference Proceedings


Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Baulain U, Weigend A, Sölkner J, Simianer H (2014) Genome-wide analyses of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the Synbreed Chicken Diversity Panel. Proceedings XIVth European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, Norway 23.-27. June, S. 164-176

Sharifi AR, Zhang Y, Weigend S, Weigend A, Preisinger R, Schmutz M, Römisch-
Margl L, Jonczyk R, Gülersönmez MC, Piepho H-P, Malik WA, Sitzenstock F,
Simianer H (2014) Association between Metabolites in Egg Yolk and Hatchability
Traits in Laying Hens Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 17-22, 2014


Ertl J, Legarra A, Vitezica ZG, Edel C, Emmerling R, Götz K-U (2013) Genomic analysis of dominance effects in milk production and conformation traits of Fleckvieh cattle. Interbull Bulletin 47

Ertl J, Edel C, Emmerling R, Pausch H, Fries R, Götz K-U (2013) Validation accuracy of genomic breeding values with HD genotypes in Fleckvieh cattle. Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Heuer C, Thaller G (2013) Genomic prediction of milk traits in German Holstein cows incorporating dominance. Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Hinrichs D, Thaller G (2013) Analysis of pedigree and marker based inbreeding coefficients in German Fleckvieh. Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Janßen-Tapken U, Ober U, Erbe M, Tietze M, Weigend A, Simianer H, Weigend S (2013) Genetic diversity of a large range of domestic chicken breeds and its use in genome-wide association studies. Proceedings of the 8th European Poultry Genetics Symposium, WPSA Working Group 3 “Breeding and Genetics”, Venedig, Italien, S. 65

Qanbari S, Pausch H, Jansen S, Eck S, Benet-Pagès A, Graf E, Wieland T, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Fries R, Simianer H (2013) Classical signatures of selective sweep revealed by massive sequencing in cattle. Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Szyda J, Suchocki T, Qanbari S, Simianer H (2013) Comparison of the genetic structure of Polish and German Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle populations using SNP microarrays. Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science


Albrecht T, Schön CC (2012) Genom-basierte Vorhersage der Testkreuzungsleistung bei Mais. In: Tagungsband der 62. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs. Von markergestützter Selektion zu genomischer Selektion in der Pflanzenzüchtung. Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A-Irdning, pp.3-6

Boysen TJ, Heuer C, Tetens J, Thaller G (2012) Estimation of dominance effects in paternally genotyped populations. Book of Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Ehret A, Hochstuhl D, Thaller G (2012) Artificial networks: influence of the network topology on genetic breeding value estimation. Book of Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Erbe M, Hayes BJ, Bowman PJ, Simianer H, Goddard ME (2012) Genomic prediction within and between dairy cattle breeds with an imputed high density marker panel. Book of Abstracts of 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science

Ertl J, Edel C, Neuner S, Emmerling R, Götz K-U (2012) Comparative analysis of linkage disequilibrium in Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss cattle. Book of Abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, S. 229.

Ertl J, Edel C, Neuner, S, Emmerling R, Götz K-U (2012) Nutzen von HD-Genotypen für die genomische Zuchtwertschätzung beim Fleckvieh – erste Ergebnisse. Tagungsband der DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung

Jansen S, Aigner B, Pausch H, Wysocki M, Fries R (2012) Extensive variant detection on the Fleckvieh population by low-coverage re-sequencing, Conference Abstract Book of the 33rd ISAG Conference, Cairns, Australia

Janßen-Tapken U, Weigend S (2012) Standardized phenotyping and characterization of chicken and application in biodiversity studies. Book of Abstracts World’s Poultry Science Journal, Supplement 1, XXIV World's Poultry Congress, Salvador – Bahia, Brasil, S. 65-68

Ober U, Ayroles, JF, Stone EA, Richards S, Zhu D, Gibbs, RA, Stricker C, Gianola D, Schlather M, Mackay TFC, Simianer H (2012) Using whole genome sequence data to predict quantitative trait phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Book of Abstracts of the 4th Inter- national Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, UK, S. 56

Ober U, Schlather M, Simianer H. (2012) A new recursion formula for the expected linkage disequilibrium in a finite population. Annals of Human Genetics 76: 410–433. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2012.00719.x

Pausch H, Wurmser C, Jansen S, Aigner B, Fries R (2012) Imputation of whole-genome sequence information for QTL fine-mapping in the Fleckvieh population. Abstract book of the 33rd ISAG conference, Cairns, Australia

Wiebelitz J, Erbe M, Simianer H: Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung in un- terteilten Populationen. DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Tagungsband DGfZ-/GfT- Gemeinschaftstagung: A14


Erbe M, Reinhardt F, Simianer H (2011) Empirical determination of the number of independent chromosome segments based on cross-validated data. Abstract book of the 62nd EAAP conference, p. 115

Erbe M, Seefried F, Simianer H (2011) Effect of relationship and age structure on the accuracy of genomic breeding value prediction. Proceedings of the 19th AAABG conference, p. 287-290

Ober U, Stone EA, Rollmann S, Mackay T, Ayroles J, Richards S, Gibbs R, Schlather M, Simianer H (2011) Using whole genome sequence data to predict quantitative trait phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Abstract book of the 62nd EAAP conference, p. 117

Pausch H, Edel C, Emmerling R, Götz KU, Fries R (2011) Imputation von hoch-dichter SNP Information beim Fleckvieh. Tagungsband DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung in Weihenstephan, Beitrag B03

Sharifi AR, Preisinger R, Schmutz M, Vahidi F, Simianer H (2011) Analysis of reproductive traits in laying hens. Proceedings of the 5th Combined Workshop “Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry”, p. 85

Vahidi F, Sharifi AR, Weigend S, Weigend A, Gärke C, Simianer H (2011) Estimation of genetic parameters for embryonic mortality in unselected chicken lines. Tagungsband DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, D22


Chen J, Erbe M, Ytournel F, Simianer H (2010) Contribution of Mendelian sampling terms to genomic breeding value. Tagungsband DGfZ/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, p. 62-63

Chen J, Ytournel F, Erbe M, Pimentel ECG, Simianer H (2010) Use of Mendelian sampling terms in genomic models. Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Genetics applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), 1.-6. August 2010, Leipzig, Germany

Erbe M, Simianer H (2010) Einfluss der Alters- und Verwandtschaftsstruktur auf die genomische Zuchtwertschätzung. Tagungsband DGfZ/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, p. 56-57

Erbe M, Pimentel ECG, Sharifi AR, Simianer H (2010) Assessment of cross-validation strategies for genomic prediction in cattle. Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Genetics applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), 1.-6. August 2010, Leipzig, Germany

Ober U, Erbe M, Schlather M, Simianer H (2010) Kernel-based BLUP with genomic data. Proceedings of 9th World Congress on Genetics applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), 1.-6. August 2010, Leipzig, Germany