Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge

Synbreed Talks (selection)

Aigner B, Jansen S, Pausch H, Wysocki M, Eck S, Benet-Pagès A, Graf E, Wieland T, Strom T, Meitinger T, Fries R (2012) Erste Ansätze zur Entdeckung von Strukturellen Varianten auf der Grundlage genom-weiter Sequenzierung beim Rind, DGfZ/GfT-Tagung, Halle, 12.-13.09.2012

Berger S. (2014) Vergleich der LD- Struktur zwischen Regionen: Grundlagen und Anwendung auf den Vergleich von Gen- und Nicht-Genregionen. In: Sitzung des DGfZ-Ausschusses für genetisch-statistische Methoden in der Tierzucht, Göttingen.

Berger S, Erbe M, Schlather M, des los Campos G, Simianer H (2014) Skalenunabhängiger Vergleich der Linkage Disequilibrium Struktur zwischen Genen und Nicht‐Genregionen. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Dummerstorf, A09

Chen J, Erbe M, Ytournel F, Simianer H (2010) Contribution of Mendelian Sampling Terms to Genomic Breeding Value. DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Kiel, 15.09.2010

Ehret A, Hochstuhl D, Thaller G (2014) Extreme Learning Machine: A New Approach for Genomic Prediction of Complex Traits. 10Th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production

Ehret A, Hochstuhl D, Thaller G (2014) Machine learning in genome-enabled prediction of complex traits. Projektgruppe „Genetisch-Statistische Methoden“ der DGfZ in der HVHS Mariaspring, 29.09.-01.10.2014

Erbe M, Pimentel ECG, Sharifi AR, Simianer H (2010) Assessment of Cross-validation Strategies for Genomic Prediction in Cattle. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, 03.08.2010

Erbe M, Simianer H (2010) Einfluss der Alters-, Verwandtschaftsstruktur auf die genomische Zuchtwertschätzung. DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Kiel, 15.09.2010

Erbe M, Seefried F, Simianer H (2011) Effect of relationship, age structure on the accuracy of genomic breeding value prediction. 19th AAABG conference. Perth, 20.07.2011

Erbe M, Reinhardt, F., Simianer H (2011) Empirical determination of the number of independent chromosome segments based on cross-validated data. 62nd EAAP conference, Stavanger, 30.08.2011

Erbe M, Simianer H (2012) Empirische Validierung von Modellen zur Vorhersage der Genau- igkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung. Sitzung des genetisch statistischen Ausschusses der DGfZ, Mariensee, 18.09.2012

Erbe M (2013) Accuracy of genomic prediction in dairy cattle. Disputationsvortrag, Göttingen, 03.05.2013

Erbe M, Cavero D, Weigend A, Weigend S, Pausch H, Preisinger R, Simianer H (2013) Genomic Prediction in laying hens. Synbreed Annual Meeting, Ismaning, 13.11.2013

Erbe M, Ni G, Simianer H (2013) Abschätzung der Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung unter Berücksichtigung der Kovarianz der Schätzfehler konventioneller und genomischer Zuchtwerte. Sitzung des genetischstatistischen Ausschusses der DGfZ, Schwarzenau, 24.09.2013

Erbe M, Fraszczak M, Simianer H, Szyda J (2013) Quality of reconstructed haplotypes in cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. EAAP 64

Erbe M, Fraszczak M, Simianer H, Szyda J (2013) Quality of reconstructed haplotypes in cattle data. In: Biometrische Aspekte der Genomanalyse. Rauischholzhausen, 20.02.-22.02.2013

Erbe M, Ha N-T, Kruppa J, Weigend S, Simianer H (2014) Analyses of complex traits in managed chicken populations. CTC, 13th annual meeting, Berlin, 21.05.2014

Erbe M, Pausch H, Emmerling R, Edel C, Fries R, Götz K-U, Meuwissen THE, Simianer H (2014) Prediction of sequence-based genomic breeding values in Fleckvieh cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Annual Meeting of EAAP, 25.08.14, Copenhagen, Denmark, 168

Erbe M (2014) Zukünftige Formen der genomischen Selektion in der Rinderzucht. Tierwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Hohenheim, Hohenheim, 26.05.2014

Erbe M, Cavero D, Weigend A, Weigend S, Pausch H, Preisinger R, Simianer H (2014) Genomische Selektion bei Legehennen. Marienseer Gespräche, Mariensee, 13.11.2014

Erbe M, Cavero D, Weigend A, Weigend S, Pausch H, Preisinger R, Simianer H (2014) Genomic Prediction in Laying Hens. 14th European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, 26.06.2014

Erbe M, Pausch H, Emmerling R, Edel C, Götz K-U, Fries R, Meuwissen THE, Simianer H (2014) Erste Erkenntnisse zur genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung mit Sequenzdaten beim Fleckvieh. Sitzung des genetisch-statistischen Ausschusses der DGfZ, Mariaspring, 01.10.2014

Ertl J, Edel C, Emmerling R, Pausch H, Fries R, Götz K-U (2013) Validation accuracy of genomic breeding values with HD genotypes in Fleckvieh cattle. 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, 26.–30.08.2013

Ertl J, Legarra A, Vitezica ZG, Varona L, Edel, C, Emmerling R, Götz, K-U (2013) Genomic analysis of dominance effects in milk production and conformation traits of Fleckvieh cattle. Interbull Meeting, Nantes, 23.–25.03.2013

Ertl J, Legarra A, Vitezica ZG, Varona L, Edel C, Emmerling R, Götz K-U (2013) Genomische Untersuchung von Dominanzeffekten in Milchleistungs- und Exterieurmerkmalen bei der Rasse Fleckvieh. DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Göttingen, 4./5.09.2013

Ertl J, Edel C, Pimentel E, Emmerling R, Götz K-U (2014) Berücksichtigung von Dominanz im One-Step-Verfahren der Zuchtwertschätzung. Tagungsband der DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung 2014

Estaghvirou B, Ogutu JO, Piepho H-P (2012) Two-stage phenotypic analysis of KWS maize data in ASREML-R. Workshop on phenotypic data analysis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 24.04.2012

Estaghvirou SBO, Ogutu JO, Piepho HP (2014) Presented a talk on the influence of outliers on the accuracy of methods for estimating heritability and genomic prediction in plant breeding on 9-10 April 2014 at KWS headquarters at Einbeck, Germany

Gholami M, Reimer C, Erbe M, Preisinger R, Weigend A, Weigend S, Servin B, Simianer H. (2014) Genome scan for selection signatures in layer chicken populations. In: Tagungsband DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Dummerstorf, C01

Große Holthaus A, Sharifi AR, Preisinger R, Cavero D, Schmutz M, Weigend S, Knorr C, Simianer H (2013) Einfluss differenter Brutverfahren auf das Reproduktionsgeschehen bei Legehennen. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Göttingen, 04.09.-05.09.2013

Große Holthaus A, Sharifi AR, Preisinger R, Cavero D, Schmutz M, Weigend S, Sitzenstock F, Knorr C, Simianer H (2013) The influence of Different Incubation Regime on the Hatchability Traits in Layers. In: European workshop of Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry - Working Group12 of the WPSA, Göttingen, 2013

Heuer C, Hinrichs D, Gertz M, Thaller G (2014) Application of parallel genomic evaluations in R. DGfZ-Jahrestagung und DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Dummerstorf

Heuer C, Thaller G (2014) Parallel Computing in genomic applications. Genetisch Statistischer Ausschuss,  Schwarzenau

Heuer C, Thaller G (2014): Everyday multithreading: parallel computing for genomic
evaluations in R. 65th EAAP Book of Abstracts No. 20, 282

Heuer C, Thaller G (2014): The impact of Linkage Disequilibrium on estimable ge-
netic effects at markers in the presence of dominance. 10th WCGALP, Abstract, 672

Janßen-Tapken U, Weigend S (2012) Vergleichende Untersuchung von Haushuhn und Wildhuhn. World Pheasant Association (WPA) Tagung Sanitz, 07.-09.09.2012

Lehermeier C (2014): Usefulness of multiparental populations of maize for genome-based prediction. GPZ Haupttagung in Kiel „Genetic Variation in Plant Breeding“, 23.-25. September 2014

Lyimo CM, Weigend A, Janßen-Tapken U, Msoffe PL, Simianer H, Weigend S (2013) A Global Assessment of Population Structure and Genetic Diversity in Chicken Populations from Africa, Asia, Europe, Red Jungle Fowls and Commercial Breeds. Abstract Tropentag 2013, Stuttgart, 17.09.-19.09.2013

Ma Y, Ding X, Qanbari S, Zhang Q, Simianer H (2014) A novel combining strategy for the detection of selection signatures. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Dummerstorf, A07

Melchinger AE (2014) Genomic Selection and Prediction in Hybrid Breeding. GPZ Tagung Kiel

Melchinger AE (2014) Genomic Selection and Prediction in Hybrid Breeding. FSP-Colloquium Universität Hohenheim, 20.11.2014

Navas A, Brockmann GA, Weigend S, Schlather M, Simianer H (2014) Analysis of inbred chicken lines reveals genomic regions of preserved diversity. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Dummerstorf, C02

Navas A, Brockmann G, Weigend S, Schlather M, Simianer H (2014) Analysis of inbred chicken lines reveals genomic regions of preserved diversity. Systems genetics and evolution of non-human (model) organisms. Ascona, Switzerland, 18.-22. May 2014

Ni GN (2013) Genomic Selection in Substructured Populations of Large White and Landrace Pigs. In: Biometrische Aspekte der Genomanalyse. Vortrag., Rauischholzhausen, 20.02.-22.02.2013

Ni GN, Erbe M, Simianer H (2013) Correlation between prediction errors of conventional and genomic estimated breeding values. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfTTagung, Göttingen, 04.09.-05.09.2013

Ober U, Erbe, M, Schlather M, Simianer H (2010) Kernel-based BLUP with Genomic Data. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, 04.08.2010

Ober U, Ayroles JF, Stone EA, Richards S, Gibbs RA, Stricker C, Gianola D, Schlather M, Mackay TFC, Simianer H (2012) Using Whole Genome Sequence Data to Predict Quantitative Trait Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, 17.-22.06.2012

Ober U, Schlather M, Simianer H (2012) A new recursion formula for the expected linkage disequilibrium in a finite population. European Mathematical Genetics Meeting 2012, Göttingen 12.04.2012

Ober U, Malinowski A, Schlathe M, Simianer H (2012) Ascertainment bias in the estimation of the effective population size from genome-wide SNP data. 63rd EAAP conference, Bratislava, 28.08.2012

Ogutu JO and Piepho HP (2014) Presented a talk on Phenotypic Analysis of KWS-Synbreed 2010 dataset on 9-10 April 2014 at KWS headquarters at Einbeck, Germany

Ogutu JO and Piepho HP (2014) Presented a talk on Regularized group regression methods for genomic prediction: Bridge, MCP, SCAD, group bridge, group lasso, sparse group lasso, group MCP, group SCAD, Hierarchical group lasso at 10th Working Seminar on Statistical Methods in Variety Testing, held on 30 June - 04 July 2014 at Będlewo in Poland

Ogutu JO, Schulz-Streeck T, Piepho, H-P (2012) Efficiency of regularized regression methods for genomic selection. International Biometrics Conference, German Region, Berlin, 15.03.2012

Parat, F (2014) Petit pois deride, French meeting on population genetics, Paris - Orsay (France), Sept. 2014

Pausch H, Wurmser C, Edel C, Emmerling R, Götz KU, Fries R (2014) Exploting Whole Genome Sequence Data for the Identification of Causal Trait Variants in Cattle, Proceedings of the 10th WCGALP, Vancouver, Canada

Pausch H, Schwarzenbacher H, Burgstaller J, Flisikowski K, Wurmser C, Jansen S, Jung S, Schnieke A, Wittek T, Fries R (2014) Analyse umfangreicher Genotyp- und Sequenzdaten zur Identifizierung und Aufklärung einer erblich bedingten Wachstumsstörung beim Fleckvieh. Tagungsband der DGFZ/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung 2014, Dummerstorf

Pausch H (2014) Identification of genomic variation affecting reproductive success in Fleckvieh cattle. 25th Annual European AI vets meeting 2014, Helsinki

Piepho HP (2011) Some issues in the design, analysis of multi-environment trials in plant breeding, cultivar testing. Annual Meeting of the Australian Region of the Biometric Society, Kiama, 08.12.2011

Piepho HP, Schulz-Streeck T, Ogutu JP, Möhring J (2011) From phenotype to genotype in genomic selection. StatSeq’2011 Meeting, Toulouse, 14.-15. 04.2011

Piepho, H-P (2012) Augmented prep designs and introduction to mixed models. Workshop on phenotypic data analysis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 24.04.2012

Qanbari S (2012) Detecting signatures of selection based on pooled sequence data. Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, 29.06.2012

Qanbari S (2013) Classical signatures of selective sweep revealed by massive sequencing in cattle. 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, 26.–30.08.2013

Qanbari S, Seidel M, Strom TM, Preisinger R, Simianer H (2014) Footprints of Parallel Selection Revealed by Direct Sequencing in Egg Laying Chicken. In: Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 189

Schön CC (2011) Prediction of testcross performance in maize with high density SNP data. Gordon Conference 'Quantitative Genetics & Genomics', Galveston, USA, 23.02.2011

Schön CC (2011). Synbreed - Synergistic Plant and Animal Breeding. GABI Status Seminar, Potsdam, 17.03.2011

Schön CC (2011). Synbreed - Synergistic Plant and Animal Breeding. Status Seminar, Siebeldingen, 26.09.2011

Schön C-C (2012) Genome-based prediction of testcross performance in maize. Plant Genomics Seminar, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, 23.01.2012

Schön C-C (2012) Quantitative genetic analysis of complex traits based on high-density molecular marker information. Workshop „Statistical Methods and Models 2012“, TUM-Mathematik, München, 07.02.2012

Schön C-C (2012) Advances in the genetic analysis of complex traits based on high-density mo- lecular marker information. 11. Haupttagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. (GPZ), Giessen, 01.03.2012

Schön C-C (2012) Genomische Selektion in der Pflanzenzüchtung. Symposium "Pflanzenzüchtung in Bayern", Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL), Freising, 30.03.2012

Schön C-C (2012) Genome-based prediction in maize populations. DMK-GPZ Tagung „Aktuelles in der Maiszüchtung“, Hohenheim, 11.06.2012

Schön C-C (2012). Genome-based prediction in highly structured plant populations.  4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, 17.-22.06.2012

Schön CC (2013) Efficiency of variable selection methods in genome-wide predictions. INRA Kolloquium, Le Moulon, 06.03.2013

Schön CC (2013) Genome-based prediction of complex phenotypes. TUM-IAS General Assembly, Hohenkammer, 25.04.2013

Schön CC (2013) Genombasierte Vorhersage der Testkreuzungsleistung bei Mais. JKI Kolloquium, Siebeldingen, 30.04.2013

Schön CC (2013) DNA, die Sprache der Pflanzen. TUM Tag der offenen Tür, Garching, 19.10.2013

Schön CC (2013) Genome-enabled prediction of complex phenotypes – advances in quantitative genetics. SFB924 Symposium „Plant biology of the next generation“, Freising, 18.-20.09.2013

Schön C-C (2014) Synbreed – Synergistic Plant and Animal Breeding. 2nd Annual Meeting in Center for Genomic Selection in Animals and Plants, GenSAP and associated industry projects workshop, 11.-13. November 2014, Korsor, Dänemark

Schön C-C (2014) Prediction of complex phenotypes for genome-enabled crop and livestock breeding. Jahrestreffen der “Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)” in Chicago

Schön C-C (2014) Aktuelle Themen der Maisforschung. KWS/LG Workshop, 22.05.2014 Einbeck

Schön C-C (2014) Genome based prediction in maize. GPZ Treffen Freising 17.06.2014

Schön C-C (2014) Efficiency of variable selection methods in genome-wide prediction for traits of different genetic architecture. WCGALP, Vancouver 19.08.2014

Schön C-C (2014) Phenotypic plasticity in maize. Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), 29.09.2014 in Barcelona

Schulz-Streeck T, Piepho HP, Ogutu, JO (2010) Genomic selection by ridge regression, geostatisitcal models with pre-selection of markers. Genomic based breeding: Conference of the genome analysis section of the German Society of Plant breeding, Gießen, 26.-28.10.2010

Sharifi AR, Preisinger R, Vahidi F, Jawasreh K, Simianer H (2010) Statistical, genetic analysis of reproductive traits in laying hens. 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, 05.08.2010

Sharifi AR, Zhang Y, Weigend S, Weigend A, Preisinger R, Schmutz M, Römisch-Margl L, Jonczyk R, Gülersönmez MC, Piepho HP, Malik WA, Sitzenbock F, Simianer H (2014) Association between metabolites in egg yolk and hatchability traits in laying hens. Proceedings 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver 

Simianer, H, Schön CC (2011) Genomische Selektion in Pflanzen- und Tierzüchtung. 3rd FUGATO Annual Meeting, Kassel, 09.02.2011

Simianer H (2012) Synbreed: Genomische Selektion und Zuchtplanung. Lohmann Vermehrertagung, Berlin, 25.-26.09.2012

Simianer H, Erbe M, Ober U (2012) Empirical results on the accuracy of genomic prediction for complex traits. „Genetic days”, Wroclaw, Polen, 18.-20.09.2012

Simianer H, Pimentel ECG (2013) Using estimated allele frequency changes to map genomic regions under selection in farm animals. In: Book of Abstracts EAAP 64th Annual Meeting, Nantes, France, 26.08.-30.08.2013

Simianer H, Ha N-T, Janßen-Tapken U, Ober U, Erbe M, Weigend A,Weigend S (2013) Linking phenotypic with genomic diversity in the Synbreed Chicken Diversity Panel. Vortrag bei 8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Venedig, 26.09.2013

Simianer H, Ma Y, Qanbari S (2014) Statistical Problems in Livestock Population Genomics. In: Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 202

Simianer H, Ober U, Huang W, Magwire M, Schlather M, Mackay TFC (2014) Sequence-based prediction for a complex trait in Drosophila reveals sex-differentiated epistasis. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Annual Meeting of EAAP, Copenhagen, Denmark, 167

Simianer H, Erbe M (2014) What does it need to obtain accurate genomic predictions in livestock populations? 2nd joint meeting American Association of Animal Sciences and Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20.-22.10.2014

Simianer H, Ma Y (2014) Selection signature analysis – understanding genetic progress in livestock populations. 2nd joint meeting American Association of Animal Sciences and Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20.-22.10.2014

Szyda J, Suchocki T, Qanbari S, Simianer H (2013) Comparison of the genetic structure of Polish and German Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle populations using SNP microrays. 64th Annual Meeting, Nantes, France, 26.08.-30.08.2013

Technow, F (2012) Genomic Prediction in Maize Hybrid Breeding Programs. International Conference on Utilization of Heterosis in Crops, Xi'an, China, 19.-22.08.2012

Tellier, A (2013) A biologist’s guide to the Multiple Merger Coalescent: suggestions for possible applications". Workshop Multiple merger coalescent in population genetics, Department of Mathematics, University of Mainz (Germany)

Tellier, A (2013) Plant ecology influences population genetics: the role of seed banks in structuring genetic diversity". Workshop Coalescent, Department of Mathematics, University of Zürich (Switzerland)

Thaller G (2014) Chromosomenzuchtwerte und optimierter Bulleneinsatz. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Besamungsstationen in Bayern e.V. Bad Aibling 4. Juni  2014

Vahidi F, Sharifi AR, Weigend S, Weigend A, Gärke C, Simianer H (2011) Estimation of genetic parameters for embryonic mortality in unselected chicken lines. DGfZ-/GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Freising/Weihenstephan, 07.09.2011

Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Ober U, Simianer H, Weigend A, Tietze M (2013) Genomweite Analyse genetischer Diversität beim Haushuhn. Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung der GdFuF und des FLI, Celle, 14.05.2013

Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Ober U, Simianer H, Weigend A, Tietze M (2013) Biodiversität beim Huhn – Potentiale für die Praxis. DGfZ-Jahrestagung und DGfZ/ GfT-Gemeinschaftstagung, Göttingen, 4./5.09.2013

Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Baulain U,  Weigend A, Sölkner J, Simianer H (2014). Genome-wide analyses of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the Synbreed Chicken Diversity Panel. Proc. XIVth European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, Norway

Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Ober U, Weigend A, Simianer H (2014) Historisches Wissen und moderne Technologien – Neue Erkenntnisse zur Biodiversität beim Haushuhn. BDRG-Fachtagung im Landwirtschaftszentrum Haus Düsse, Bad Sassendorf, 12. April

Weigend S (2015) Genome-Wide Pattern and Magnitude of Genetic Diversity in a Wide Range of Diverse Chicken Breeds. The International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research, PAG XXIII, January 10-14, San Diego, CA; Final Program, Abstract & Exhibit Guide, W668, S. 189

Wellmann R, Ertl J, Emmerling R, Edel C, Götz K-U, Bennewitz J (2014) Joint genomic evaluation of cows and bulls with BayesD for prediction of genotypic values. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.

Wimmer V, Albrecht T, Lehermeier C, Auinger HJ, Wang Y,  Knaak C, Ouzunova M, Schön CC (2012) Inferences about the genetic architecture of complex traits using genome-based prediction models. 15th meeting of the EUCARPIA section Biometrics in plant breeding, Hohenheim, 05.09.2012

Zhang Y, Sharifi AR, Weigend S, Weigend A, Preisinger R, Schmutz M, Römisch-Margl L, Jonczyk R, Piepho HP, Malik WA, Simianer H (2013) The Effect of Egg Yolk Metabolite Profiles on Hatchability Traits. In: European workshop of Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry - Working Group12 of the WPSA, Göttingen, 02.10.-04.10.2013

Zhang Y, Weigend S, Weigend A, Preisinger R, Schmutz M, Römisch‐ Margl L, Jonczyk R, Piepho HP, Malik WA, Sizenstock F, Simianer H, Sharifi AR (2014) Association between metabolites in egg yolk and hatchability traits in laying hens. In: Tagungsband. DGfZ-/GfT-Tagung, Dummerstorf, C13

Zhang Z, He J, Zhang H, Gao P, Erbe M, Simianer H, Li J (2014) Results of Genome Wide Association Studies Improve the Accuracy of Genomic Selection. In: Proceedings, 10 th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 695

Poster Presentations

Synbreed Research
Synbreed Consortium (2010)
Download: Poster (.pdf)

Synbreed - Synergistic Plant and Animal Breeding
Synbreed Consortium (2011)
Download: Poster (.pdf)

Accuracy of Genomic Breeding Values in Maize.
Albrecht T, Auinger HJ, Knaak C, Ouzunova M, Simianer H, Schön CC. 10. Haupttagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung, Freising, 15.-17.03.2010

Prediction of testcross performance in maize with high density SNP data.
Albrecht T, Wimmer V, Auinger HJ, Knaak C, Ouzunova M, Simianer H, Schön
CC. Presented at the XXII EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference, Opatija, 19.-22.06.2011

Prediction of Maize Testcross Performance across Environments.
Albrecht T, Auinger HJ, Lehermeier C, Wimmer V, Knaak C, Ouzunova M,
Simianer H, Schön CC. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, 17.-22.06.2012

Vergleich der LD- Struktur zwischen Regionen: Grundlagen und Anwendung auf den Vergleich von Gen- und Nicht-Genregionen.
Berger S (2014) In: Sitzung des DGfZ-Ausschusses für genetisch-statistische Methoden in der Tierzucht, Göttingen

Genomic prediction in laying hens.
Erbe M, Cavero D, Weigend A, Weigend S, Pausch H, Preisinger R, Simianer H (2013) 8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Venedig, 25.-27.09.2013

Efficient computation of ridge-regression BLUP in genomic selection in plant breeding.
Estaghvirou B, Ogutu JO, Schulz-Streeck T and Piepho HP. International Biometrics Conference, German Region, Berlin, 13.03.2012

Evaluation of approaches for estimating predictive accuracy in genomic selection in plant breeding.
Estaghvirou B, Ogutu JO, Piepho HP. XVth meeting of the EUCARPIA section- Biometrics in Plant Breeding, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 05.-07.09.2012

Investigation of the genetic architecture of stable carbon isotope discrimination in an introgression library of maize.
Gresset S, Westermeier P, Alter S, Bauer E, Presterl T, Ouzunova M, Westhoff P, Schön C-C. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, 06.-08.03.2013

Genomic prediction of milk traits in German Holstein cows incorporating dominance.
Heuer C, Thaller G. Genomic prediction of milk traits in German Holstein cows incorporating dominance. 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, p 304, 26.–30.08.2013

A DH-library of European flint maize landraces.
Homann L, Schrag TA, Schipprack W, Bauer E, Melchinger AE. A DH-library of European flint maize landraces. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, 06.-08.03.2013

A DH-library of European flint maize landraces.
Homann L. GPZ Tagung Kiel 25.09.2014

Analysis of putatively deleterious alleles in German Fleckvieh by whole genome resequencing.
Jansen S, Wurmser C, Pausch H, Fries R. 65th Annual Meeting of the EAAP 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

Analysis of Morphological Traits for Comparative Studies in Domestic Chicken Populations
Janßen-Tapken U and Weigend S, Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (2011)
Download: Abstract (.pdf), Poster (.pdf)

Genetic diversity of a large range of domestic chicken breeds and its use in genome-wide association studies
Janßen-Tapken U, Ober U, Erbe M, Tietze M, Weigend A, Simianer H, Weigend S (2013) Proceedings of the 8th European Poultry Genetics Symposium, WPSA Working Group 3 “Breeding and Genetics”– September 25-27, Venice, Italy, S. 65

Genetic diversity of a large range of domestic chicken breeds and its use in genome-wide association studies.
Janßen-Tapken U, Ober U, Erbe M, Tietze M, Weigend A, Simianer H, Weigend S. Proceedings of the 8th European Poultry Genetics Symposium, WPSA Working Group 3 “Breeding and Genetics”, Venice, 25.-27. 09.2013

Sensitivity to Prior Specification in Bayesian Models for Genomic Prediction in Maize.
Lehermeier C, Wimmer V, Albrecht T, Auinger HJ, Schön CC, Schmid VJ. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, 17.-22.06.2012

Genomic prediction of testcross performance in multi-line crosses of maize (Zea mays L.).
Lehermeier C, Bauer E, Schönleben M, Walter H, Bauland C, Camisan C, Campo L, Meyer N, Ranc N, Schipprack W, Altmann T, Flament P, Melchinger A E, Menz M, Moreno- González J, Ouzunova M, Charcosset A, Schön C-C. XVth meeting of the EUCARPIA section - Biometrics in plant breeding, Hohenheim, 05.-07.09.2012

Efficiency of augmented prep designs.
Möhring J and Piepho HP. International Biometrics Conference, German Region, Berlin, 13.03.2012

Accuracy of genomic selection in a substructured population of Large White pigs
Ni G, Haberland A, Bergfelder S, Grosse-Brinkhaus C, Erbe M, Lind B, Tholen E, Simianer H (2013). EAAP 64th Annual Meeting Nantes,France, 26.08.-30.08.2013

A new recursion formula for the expected linkage disequilibrium in a finite population.
Ober U, Malinowski A, Schlather M, Simianer H. European Mathematical Genetics Meeting, Göttingen, 12.04.2012

Estimation of effective population size from linkage disequilibrium structure revisited.
Ober U, Malinowski A, Schlather M, Simianer H.  Research Seminar “New developments in quantitative and population genetics of Drosophila”, Göttingen, 14.05.2012

Using whole genome sequence data to predict quantitative trait phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster.
Ober U, Ayroles JF, Stone EA, Richards S, Zhu D, Gibbs R, Stricker C, Gianola D, Magwire M, Huang W, Schlather M, Mackay TFC, Simianer H.  4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, UK 22.06.2012

Statistical Methods. A Comparison of Random Forests, Boosting, Support Vector Machines, LASSO, and Elastic net for genomic selection.
Ogutu JO, Schulz-Streeck T and Piepho HP. 11. GABI Status Meeting, Potsdam 15. - 17.03.2011

Coalescent Theory, New developments and Applications
Parat F, Montreal (Canada), Oct. 2013

Mind the Gap
Pophaly S, University of Vienna (Austria), Sept. 2013

Synbreed: Genome analysis and population genetics maize.
Seidel M, Unterseer S, Haberer G, Bauer E, Günther T, Schmid K, Pophaly S, Tellier A, Knaak C, Ouzunova M, Pausch H, Fries HR, Strom T, Meitinger T, Mayer KFX, Schön C-C. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, 2014

Comparison of the genetic structure of Polish and German Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle populations using SNP microarrays.
Szyda J, Suchocki T, Qanbari S, Simianer H. 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Nantes, p. 547, 26.–30.08.2013

Signatures of selection in a global maize panel.
Unterseers, Bauer E, Haberer G, Seidel M, Mayer KFX, Schön C-C. GPZ Haupttagung in Kiel „Genetic Variation in Plant Breeding“, 23.-25. September 2014

The Synbreed Chicken Diversity Panel – a resource for fine scale diversity studies.
Weigend S, Janßen-Tapken U, Erbe M, Baulain U, Weigend A, Sölkner J, Simianer H (2014) ISAG-FAO Workshop on Animal Genetic Diversity. The 34th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference, XI’AN, China, 27.07. bis 01.08.2014, Conference Book S. 19

The synbreed R package: A framework for genome-based prediction using R.
Wimmer V, Albrecht T, Auinger HJ, Schön CC. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, 17.-22.06.2012 Download: Poster (.pdf)

Efficiency of variable selection in genome-wide prediction for traits of different genetic architecture.
Wimmer V, Lehermeier C, Albrecht T, Auinger H-J, Wang Y, Knaak C, Ouzunova M, Schön C-C. Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Research Conference, Galveston, 17.-22.02.2013