Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge

PhD and Master Theses

PhD Theses

Theresa Albrecht: Implementation of cross-validation in genomic prediction in maize. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

Anita Ehret: Artificial neural networks for genome-enabled prediction in cattle: potential and limitations. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Thaller, CAU-TZ

Malena Erbe: Accuracy of genomic prediction in dairy cattle. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Boubacar Estaghvirou: Evaluation of the accuracy of statistical methods for estimating heritability and genomic prediction in plant breeding. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H.-P. Piepho, UHO

Mahmood Gholami: Selection signature detection in a diverse set of chicken breeds. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Sebastian Gresset: Genetische Analyse der stabilen Kohlenstoffisotopendiskriminierung in einer Mais (Zea mays L.) Introgressionsbibliothek. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

Torsten Günther: Footprints of natural selection in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. K. Schmid, UHO

Sandra Jansen: Die Analyse von genomweiten Re-Sequenzierungsdaten zur Identifizierung kausaler DNA-Variation beim Rind. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Fries, TUM

Christina Lehermeier: Investigation of genome-based prediction in differentially structured plant populations. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

Charles Moses Lyimo: Genetic Characterization of Tanzanian Indigenous Chickens in Relation to the Worldwide Spectrum of Chicken Diversity. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. H. Simianer (UGÖ) and Dr. S. Weigend, FLI-NG

Ulrike Ober: Genomic prediction for quantitative traits: Using kernel methods and whole genome sequence based approaches. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. M. Schlather and Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Hubert Pausch: Genome-wide analysis of complex traits in cattle. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Fries, TUM

Christian Riedelsheimer: Genome-wide association mapping of molecular and physiological component traits in maize. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Melchinger, UHO

Torben Schulz-Streeck: Evaluation of alternative statistical methods for genomic selection for quantitative traits in hybrid maize. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H.-P. Piepho, UHO

Florian Sitzenstock: Genetic progress and inbreeding rate in complex breeding programmes - Applications to sport horses and laying hens. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Frank Technow: Extensions of genomic prediction methods and approaches for plant breeding. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. E. Melchinger, UHO

Thomas Wieland: Next-generation sequencing data Analysis. Supervisors: PD Dr. Tim M. Strom and Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer, HMGU

Valentin Wimmer: Efficiency of statistical methods for genome-based prediction. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

In progress:

Bernhard Aigner: Discovery of structural variation in Fleckvieh animals based on low-coverage sequencing (working title). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Fries, TUM

Juliane Böhm: Utilitzation of genetic resources in maize. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. E. Melchinger, UHO

Johann Ertl: Studies on the estimation of genomic breeding values and non-additive gene effects based on high-density genotypes in the Fleckvieh breed. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Fries, TUM

Sen Han: Multiple-cross QTL mapping of Fusarium resistance traits in maize. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. E. Melchinger, UHO

Claas Heuer: The detection of non-additive genetic effects and their use for genomic prediction in cattle (working title). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Thaller, CAU

Haixiao Hu: Genome-wide association analysis for haploid induction rate in maize (working title). Prof. Dr. A. E. Melchinger, UHO

Linda Homann, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. E. Melchinger, UHO

Florence Parat: Inference of demography and selection in domesticated species using approximate bayesian computation and likelihood methods (working title). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Tellier, TUM

Saurabh D. Pophaly: Maize whole genome duplication: A population genomics perspective (working title).  Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Tellier, TUM

Christian Reimer: Sequence-based characterization of farm animal biodiversity: revealing the genetic basis of body size variation in domesticated pigs. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Michael Seidel: Variomics: Resequencing and variation detection in chicken and maize. Supervisor: Dr. G. Haberer, HMGU

Sandra Unterseer: Population genetic analysis and detection of selection signatures in European maize lines (working title). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM 

Master and Diploma Theses

Bernhard Aigner: Vergleich von Methoden zur Genotyp-Imputation beim Rind (M.Sc.). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Fries, TUM

Angela Maria Bernal Vasquez: Distribution of SNP effects in Genomic Selection (M.Sc.) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H.-P. Piepho, UHO

H. Dressel: Einfluss der Sicherheit der konventionellen Zuchtwerte in der Kalibrierungsstichprobe auf die Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung (M. Sc.). Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

A. Ekkel: Einfluss der Struktur der Lernstichprobe auf die Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung beim Milchrind (M. Sc.). Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

A. Große Holthaus: Einfluss differenter Brutverfahren auf das Reproduktionsgeschehen bei Legehennen (M. Sc.). Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

S. Heß: Eiqualitätsparameter und deren Einfluss auf das Reproduktionsgeschehen bei Legehennen (M.Sc.) Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ 

Linda Homann: Molecular characterization and population structure of elite maize hybrids based on a genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach (M.Sc.). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. K. Schmid, UHO

Christina Lehermeier: Prediction of genetic values in plant breeding using molecular markers in a Bayesian setting (Diploma). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Volker Schmid, LMU, Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

Sonja Metzger: Statistische Modelle zur Analyse von genomweiten Assoziationsstudien in Pflanzen (Diploma). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. T. Hothorn, LMU, Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

C. Reimer: Möglichkeiten der genomischen Selektion in kleinen Rassen am Beispiel „Gelbvieh" (M.Sc.). Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ

Bernhard Thuy: Domestikation von Mais und seine Einführung in Europa (M.Sc.). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C.-C. Schön, TUM

J. Wiebelitz: Genauigkeit der genomischen Zuchtwertschätzung in unterteilten Populationen (M. Sc.). Supervisor Prof. Dr. H. Simianer, UGÖ