Resource Project R3: Biological Resources in Cattle
Title: Genetic and phenotypic characterization of a highly informative sample of German Simmental cattle
Project manager: Prof. Dr. G. Thaller (CAU-TZ)
Project partners: CAU-TZ, LfL-TZ, TUM-TZ
Genetic and phenotypic characterization of a highly informative sample of German Simmental cattle for genomic selection and prediction, association mapping and population genomics.
Population genetic approaches will be used for the identification of an optimized sub sample of some 2,000 animals from the German Simmental population in Bavaria. All animals will be genotyped with a newly developed 300k SNP array. Genotyping will be conducted within the genotyping platform T2 and all genotypes will be combined with existing phenotypes. Genome wide association studies for yield traits and complex functional traits will be undertaken applying methods that are based on linkage disequilibrium and/or cosegregation, respectively. Genome regions associated with yield or functional traits will be consecutively scanned for functional candidate genes utilizing bioinformatic tools. A carefully chosen group of animals will be sequenced to identify promising genetic polymorphisms. Based on the DNA sequencing results, appropriate sub samples of the population will be genotyped with respect to the identified polymorphisms and effects of the genotypes will be estimated. Data generated within this project are delivered and stored in a central data base, and accessible to associated partners within the network (e.g. A2, A3, and A4). The results of this project will be checked and evaluated with respect to using molecular genetic information for various aspects in practical breeding programs. New innovative approaches will be integrated in existing cattle breeding programs and will help to increase the efficiency of future cattle breeding programs.
R3.1: Structured high-resolution association studies in cattle
R3.2: Genotyping and bioinformatic analysis of candidate genes
R3.3: Genome-based breeding strategies in cattle