Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge

Technology Platform T3: Bioinformatics

Title: Bioinformatics

Project managers: Dr. K. Mayer (HMGU-BI), Prof. Dr. H.-W. Mewes (TUM-BI)

Project partners: Network Synbreed

Development of bioinformatic tools for storage, distribution, visualisation and analysis of multiparallel sequencing and genotyping data in maize, chicken and cattle.

Genomic selection with genome wide SNP genotyping arrays aims at optimizing breeding processes in plants and animals. Within the Synbreed project the first step is the resequencing of European maize, chicken and cattle genotypes using conventional Sanger and next generation sequencing technologies. Massive sequence information generated by the sequencing platform T1 will be integrated with reference genome data and SNPs relevant for high-throughput genotyping will be detected and analysed. In close collaboration with the genotyping platform T2 these will serve as a foundation for construction of SNP arrays for each of the three species. In the course of the project systems for storage, distribution, visualisation and automated analysis of population based SNP genotyping data will be developed. In more advanced stages of the project the results on genome and population structure, functional polymorphisms and genomic breeding values will be integrated.