Technology Platform T1: Sequencing
Title: Genome wide high-throughput sequencing in maize, chicken and cattle
Project manager: Prof. Dr. T. Meitinger (TUM-HG), Dr. T. Strom (HMGU-HG)
Project partners: Network Synbreed
Building a technology platform based on next generation sequencing for maize, chicken and cattle.
Next generation sequencing technologies allow sequencing of complex genomes in manageable periods and at much lower costs than conventional sequencing technologies. Based on investments from the innovation cluster and the existing infrastructure at the Helmholtz Center Munich, next generation sequencing technologies will be systematically expanded. The methodology allows the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as well as copy number variants (CNVs). The scheduled sequencing of DNA-pools and individuals from chicken, cattle and corn form the basis for the identification of sequence polymorphisms to create SNP arrays. They contribute to the integration of genome sequences of chicken, cattle and corn and generate, besides the high-throughput genotyping data, the database for the application project population genomics (A4).