• BAIER R, MEYER J, GÖTTLEIN A (2005) Regeneration niches of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) saplings in small canopy gaps in mixed mountain forests of the Bavarian Limestone Alps. European Journal of Forest Research, (Online First, DOI: 10.1007/s10342-005-0091-5.)

  • BAIER R (2005) Regeneration of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) on protection forests sites of the Bavarian Limestone Alps. International Workshop "Protection Forest: Science and Practice", 26-28 September 2005, Vaujany (France), Book of Abtsracts, S. 45

  • BAIER R (2005) Verjüngung der Fichte auf degradierten Schutzwaldstandorten - 9. Statusseminar des Kuratoriums für Forstliche Forschung Freising, 12. Mai 2005, Zentrum Wald-Forst-Holz Weihenstephan, Waldforschung aktuell, 4 S.

  • GÖTTLEIN, A., WEIS, W., & HUBER, C. (2005). Forest monitoring at the "Höglwald" 1984-2003 - development of deposition and reaction of the ecosystem. Acid Rain 2005. 7th International Conference on Acid Depostion. Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17 2005. Book of abstracts, p. 297.

  • GÖTTLEIN, A., HEIM, A., KUHN, A.J., SCHRÖDER, W.H.(2005): In-situ application of stable isotope tracers in the rhizosphere of an oak seedling. Eur. J. Forest Res. 124, 83-86.

  • HUBER C. & BAUMGARTEN M. (2005). Early effects of forest regeneration with selective- and small scale clear-cutting on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in a Norway spruce stand in Southern Bavaria (Höglwald). Biodiversity and Conservartion 14, 1989-2007.

  • HUBER C. (2005). Long lasting nitrate leaching after bark beetle attack in the highlands of the Bavarian Forest National Park. Journal of Environmental Quality 34, 1772-1779.

  • HUBER, C., BAIER, R., GÖTTLEIN, A., & WEIS, W. (2005). 20 years monitoring of a liming experiment at the "Höglwald". Effects on soil, tree nutrition, and seepage water. Acid Rain 2005. 7th International Conference on Acid Depostion. Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17 2005. Conference abstracts page 625; ISBN 80-86690-25-3.

  • KOZOVITS, A.R., MATYSSEK, R., BLASCHKE, H., GÖTTLEIN, A., GRAMS, T.E.E. (2005): Competition increasingly dominates the responsiveness of juvenile beech and spruce to elevated CO2 and O3 concentrations throughout three subsequent growing seasons. Global Change Biology 11, 1387-1401.

  • KOZOVITS, A.R., MATYSSEK, R., WINKLER, J.B., GÖTTLEIN, A., BLASCHKE, H., GRAMS, T.E.E. (2005): Aboveground space sequestration determines competitive success in juvenile beech and spruce trees. New Phytologist 167, 181-196.

  • MELLERT, K.H., GENSIOR, A, GÖTTLEIN, A., KÖLLING, C. (2005): Risiko erhöhter Nitratkonzentrationen unter Wald in Bayern - Regionalisierung von Inventurergebnissen aus dem Raster des Level I. Waldökologie online 2, 4-24.

  • MELLERT, K.H., BRENDEL, J, GÖTTLEIN, A., KÖLLING, C., RÜCKER, G. (2005): Risiko erhöhter Nitratkonzentrationen unter Wäldern im Raum München - Regionalisierung auf der Basis von Satellitendaten und genesteter Stichproben. Waldökologie online 2, 25-35.

  • RODENKIRCHEN, H., GÖTTLEIN, A., GRAMS, T. & HÄBERLEe, K.-H. (2005). Effects of ozone on leaf biomass and nutrient concentrations of European beech and Norway spruce under laboratory and field conditions. Acid Rain 2005. 7th International Conference on Acid Depostion. Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17 2005. Book of abstracts, p. 189.

  • SCHLOTER, M., WINKLER, J.B., ANEJA, M., KOCH, N., FLEISCHMANN, F., PRITSCH, K., HELLER, W., STICH, S., GRAMS, T.E.E., GÖTTLEIN, A., MAYTSSEK, R., MUNCH, J.C. (2005): Short term effects of ozone on the plant-rhizosphere-bulk soil system of young beech trees. Plant Biol. 7, 728-736

  • WEIS, W., BAIER, R., HUBER, C., & GÖTTLEIN, A. (2005). Long term effects of acid irrigation at the Höglwald on seepage water chemistry and nutrient cycling. Acid Rain 2005. 7th International Conference on Acid Depostion. Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17 2005. Book of abstracts, p. 632.