Veröffentlichungen begutachtet

  • Luster, J., Göttlein, A., Nowack, B., Sarret, G.: Sampling, defining, characterising and modelling the rhizosphere – the soil science tool box. Plant a. Soil (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-008-9781-3).

  • Matejek B., Kohlpaintner M., Gasche R., Huber C., Dannenmann, M. & Papen H. 2008 The small-scale pattern of seepage water nitrate concentration in an N saturated spruce forest is regulated by net N mineralization in the organic layer. Plant and Soil 310, 167-179.

  • Mellert, K.H., Gensior, A., Göttlein, A., Kölling, C., Rücker, G.: Variation on soil nitrate concentrations in two N-saturated Norway spruce forests (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Southern Bavaria. Water Air Soil Pollut 187, 203-217 (2008).

  • Pritsch, K., Ernst, D., Fleischmann, F., Gayler, S., Grams, T.E.E., Göttlein, A., Heller, W., Koch, N., Lang, H., Matyssek, R., Munch, J.C., Olbrich, M., Scherb, H., Stich, S., Winkler, J.B., Schloter, M.: Plant and soil system responses to ozone after 3 years in a lysimeter study with juvenile beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Water Air Soil Pollut. Focus 8, 139-154 (2008).

  • Raspe, S., Göttlein, A.: Nährstoffbilanzen von Fichtenökosystemen. Forst und Holz 63 Heft 7/8, 60-65 (2008).

Veröffentlichungen nicht begutachtet

  • Huber C. 2008. Biogeochemical and soil ecological processes in mature forest stands as influenced by tree species, forest management and bark beetle attack - Investigations from the N-saturated Höglwald site and the Bavarian Forest National Park in comparison with other case studies. Habilitationsschrift.

  • Huber C., Aherne J., Weis W., Cummins T., Farrell E. P., Göttlein A. (2008). Seepage water quality before and after clear cutting of Norway spruce stands at Ballyhooly (Ireland) and Höglwald (Germany) under high sea salt and nitrogen deposition. EUROSOIL 2008 Book of Abstracts, 363.

  • Huber C., Borchert H., Göttlein A., Kremer J., Matthies D., Seifert T., Weis W. (2008). Nutrient cycling and soil properties after harvester thinning in a nutrient poor Norway spruce stand. EUROSOIL 2008 Book of Abstracts, 363.

  • Kölling, C., Göttlein, A., Rothe, A.: Nährstoffentzug limitiert Biomassenutzng . Holz-Zentralblatt 3/2008, 76-77 (2008).

  • Huber C., Weis W., Göttlein A. (2008). Sickerwasserqualität bei Stickstoffsättigung. LWF aktuell 66, 13 - 15.

  • Kohlpaintner M., Huber C., Weis W., Göttlein A. (2008). Spatial and temporal variability of nitrate and other ions and elements in seepage water below a N saturated mature spruce stand. EUROSOIL 2008 Book of Abstracts, 366.

  • Weis W., Dietz E., Feinle F., Kölling C., Mellert M., Rothe A., Rücker G., Seifert T., Göttlein A. (2008). Aspects of the nutritional sustainability of forest management in Bavaria, Southern Germany. EUROSOIL 2008 Book of Abstracts, 63.

  • Weis W., Huber C., Göttlein A. (2008). Waldverjüngung und Wasserqualität. LWF aktuell 66, 9 - 12.