

Foto: Stobrawe, Klinikum r.d.I.

Folgende Studien sind bereits abgeschlossen:

  • Darmbarriere-Studie
  • DieGo - Dietary Intervention and Gut Barrier Function
  • FeLIPO - Feasibility of a lifestyle intervention programme to prevent obesity in the offspring
  • GESA - Gestational diabetes, adiposity and early adipose tissue development: a role for epigenetic modulations?
  • Grundumsatz-Studie
  • INFAT - The impact of nutritional fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation for early human adipose tissue development
  • LifePreg - Lifestyle intervention program for overweight and obese pregnant women
  • MUDIFnchner Diabetes-Familienstudie
  • SysMBo - Systems Biology of Metabotypes
  • VID - Virtual Institute Diabetes
  • WW - Weight Watchers Global Efficancy Study.

Informationen zu diesen finden Sie unter den entsprechenden Links.